The Grassman cometh....
Start (or continue) your Multi Sport journey here.
Ever fancied dipping your toe into the water of multi sport? Well the Grassman is the event for you!
4 races, each designed for the racers! Kids, Child, Novice & Adult Novice.
Each race set up nicely for an introduction to multi sport, with a pool based swim, off road run & traffic free bike!
Mums & Dads - cheer the kids as they race!

Kids, cheer Mum & Dad as they puff up the same hill you just zoomed up! Novice or Expert, it's great fun!

It's a great morning out, all finished by 10:30 & I'll guarantee you will have a smile on your face for the whole day - and thats just the volunteers & marshals!

The Grassman is now live, tell your friends, spread the word! You never, you could follow in the footsteps.....

Click the Our Events tab & enter…. You know you want to!